Monday, August 20, 2012

Sage here!

Now that I'm 8 months old I thought it would be a good time to again go over some of the things I've learned.

You can get away with waking Ron up once on a weekend morning to go outside.  The second time gets you locked up in the laundry room.

If your human is taking a nap on the couch and you want him up, just put a ball covered in slobber in his face.  That will get him moving.

Ice cubes are great!

You can always find a stick to chew on.   It's as if they grow on tree's.

The Vet does not use an oral thermometer.

Ron will not warn you about the Vet not using an oral thermometer.

It is very hard to catch the little red light from a laser pointer.  But I'll keep trying.

Sprinklers do not warn you before they spray you. 

Water taste great out of the garden hose.

Toads can hop when you least expect it.

Car rides are fun but if you put your head out the window watch out for a bug up your nose.

Don't turn your back on a human with a garden hose.

Belly rubs are the best!

Humans don't like a wet nose in their ear.

Best time to roll in the grass is right after a bath.

Best place to sit when your human is putting on his shoes is right between his feet.  This way you don't miss a thing.

It is  a dogs job to lay in a spot that your human will have to step over you to get to where he is going.  A nice touch is to move just as he is stepping over you.

That's all for now!
Till next time!

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