Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finding Sage Part 2

While still deciding if I really wanted a dog I started visiting the local animal shelter. Checking out what kind of dogs they have. The people there were great, always willing to answer any questions I had. I found they have allot of labs in their shelter. So my next decision was do I want a puppy or an older dog.  I was leaning to an older dog.  One that was past the puppy stage but young enough to train.  That was until a four month lap puppy came in.  She was beautiful!  You could tell she was smart and would take to training well.  At that time I was not ready,  so I did not get her. But that night I decided she was to good to let go.  So I called the next morning to have them hold her, but she was gone to a new home.  I saw many very nice older dogs, but most of them you could tell had very little training and developed some bad habits.  It's sad people get a dog and pay little attention to it. But now I knew I wanted a puppy.  And I preferred a female because they tend to be smaller and don't mark their territory as much.  Well after three months of looking at Petfinder on the web and checking the local shelters.  I stopped at the Hobart Animals Shelter almost daily.  I found her in Michigan city.  There in the Michigan City Animal Shelter was a little nine week old black Lab with a little pointer in her.  I took one look at her and knew I found Sage!

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