Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sage here.
Well I'm feeling much better now.  But you humans have a sick sense of humor.  Fixed!?  I'm feeling fine and the next thing I know I go in to be "Fixed" and I feel like I was run over by a truck.  Ron said I was like a zombie from the walking dead.  Just wait until he sees how I "fixed" the wooden leg on his kitchen table!
Get this they said I'm not exposit to run for ten days.  Oh yah that’s going to happen.  Yes all us 6-month-old labs just want to go out and walk around and smell the flowers.  But to tell the truth Ron treated me pretty good.  He got me some new toys and brought my bed into the living room.  I even got to sleep on his bed!  Now if I could have stopped him from snoring all would be good.  Rick and Pat came over to check on me and Ron's family kept asking how I was doing. Even the stalker was asking about me. (That kind of makes me nervous).  I checked into this being fixed thing on the Internet and yes I have to say it was probably for the best.  By having this my chance's of getting cancer has dropped and there are other medical reasons it was good for me.  They also say I won't have male dogs trying to get to me now.  I don't know about that.  If I have to say so myself I one fine looking girl!  How do the words to that song go?  "Hot lab in the city...Looking fine sitting pretty!  Or something like that.  OK time for me to go.  I have to go "fix" another pair of Ron's socks.
Till next time!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sage Update

Sage is home and sleeping it off.  She does not have to have one of those cones around her head so far.  As long as she leaves her stitches alone she will be fine. She has been very very groggy and just happy to sleep.  I moved her bed into the living room so she could could be more comfortable.  She is out of it right now.  I took her outside and she wet then took two steps and tried to lay down and go to sleep right there.  Tonight I think I will let her sleep up on the bed so I can keep a better eye on her. 
  Her buddies Rick and Pat from next door came over to see how she was doing.  She found the energy to wag her tail when she saw them.  It was funny how she just lay there but you could hear her tail hitting the bed thump thump thump when she saw them.  A big thank you to Rick and Pat for taking her over to the vet for me so I didn't have to take off work.  I'll give you an update in the morning on how she is doing.
Take care
Sage home sleeping


Sage is more like her old self this morning.  She is playing with her toys and eating.  She is still moving slow but that is good so she does not pull her stitches.  She slept on the bed with me last night and did not move from the spot she started at.  So I know she was tiered.  Rick and Pat are going to check in on her today to make sure she is doing fine.  It is nice to have such nice neighbors.  Time to get off to work
See ya!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Just in!

Sage is in recovery and doing well.  She can come home some time after 3:30 today.


Wow it's been a while since I posted.  We are doing good!  We have a a pretty busy weekend just doing things around the house.   And yet the house is still a mess.  Saturday I was going to the hardware store and I took a shortcut behind the stores.  There in the dumpster were allot of the summer plants.  Bushes, evergreens and more.  I ended loading up my truck with about 20 plants and these plants are in great shape.  Now I have to figure out what to do with them.  I figure there must be about $200.00 worth of plants. 
Sage would spend time outside running around then would go inside to cool down and take a nap.  Then back outside for some more fun.  It seemed like a good routine so I gave it a try.  We even had a fire in the fire pit Saturday night and our friends the Schultz's came down for a while. 
Tomorrow is the big day for Sage.  She goes in around 8:00 in the morning to have her little operation.  When you get a pet though the Human Society you are required to have your pet fixed.  It is in the agreement you sign when you get her.  So no water or food after 9:00 Saturday night for her.  I'm sure she will not be pleased Monday morning when she does not get her breakfast.  Rick and Pat next door are going to take her over to the vet for me.  It's nice having such great neighbors.  I 'll keep you up to date on how it goes.  I'm sure she will come home with a cone on her head and that will be a challenge for a while.

Well time for me to go!
Take Care

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

 Sage here!

cooling off in the water

Just picked tomato's

A dog walks into the saloon bar, the piano player stops playing and everyone turns round to watch. The dog leans on the bar and says to the bartender: "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw".   Sorry just thought I would start out with a little joke.  Not much happening here.  It sure was hot today.  I spent some time in the pool enjoying the cool water.  Ron worked on the fishing boat getting it ready to sell.  The motor seems to need a little work.  I am a little confused.  I found this cool red ball plant and Ron yells at me every time I start to check it out.  Turns out they are called tomato's .  Who knew?  They look like fun to me.  Ron picked some today and took them inside.   I kept trying to get him to throw one for me but to no avail.  We did go out back and Ron threw my plastic bottle for me to fetch.  It's a simple game but I like it.  We did this until my tongue was pretty much hanging out to the ground.  With this heat that did not take too long.  Then inside for a treat of ICE CREAM!  Oh brain freeze !!! Got to go!
Till next time!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dad for Fathers day I just wanted to...

Happy Fathers Day Dad!

Thank you for all the time you dragged me up and down the lake water skiing.

Thank you for keeping our cars running long after they should have been.

Thank you for the early morning fishing trips.

Thanks for hanging the basketball hoop on the garage.

Thank you for climbing the telephone poles when you were in pain and should have been resting your back!

Thank you for flying the ghost in our haunted yard.

As I trold Mom: Thank you for not finding out that we used your bed as a trampoline.  ( And it really was Peggy & David who knocked the boards off the frame).

Thank you for fixing many many flat tires on our bikes.

Thank you for not getting mad when our games of kick the can and hide and seek once again killed off the grass on the top of the hill.

Thank you for going diving for the motor that fell off the boat.

Thank you for the trips to cut down the Christmas tree and flocking it out in the garage.

Thank you for not getting interested in watching golf on TV until long after I was on my own.

Thank you for making our house the placed all the kids wanted to be.

Thank you for doing without so we didn’t.

Thank you for all the camping trips and late night campfires.

Thank you for being the first man to be president of the band mothers.

Thank you for not finding out about the other twenty times I dumped the fish tank water out the bedroom window.

Thanks for your help with the science fair projects.

Thanks for teaching us it it’s ok to take a chance and go after your dreams.

Thank you for the cookouts in the back yard.

Thank you for being there when we needed you!

Love Ron

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sage here!

Picking out what I want on my nails

What a night.  First thing Ron gets home and is acting like he is going to take a shower.  But before I know it he has tossed me into the bath tub.  I have to admit it felt good and I smell allot better,  My coat is nice and shinny too.  So what's a dog to do after a nice bath?  It's off to get my nails done.  Or as I like to call it I got a pet acure.  While there Ron set up an appointment on Monday the 25th.  Now I heard them talking about me getting fixed?  I keep telling him I'm not broken!  He is in for a surprise on Monday when we get here and there is nothing broken to be fixed.  Humans are so hard to understand at times.  I was so flustered I pooped right there next to the counter.  The receptionist even commented on the smell.  Ron did not seem happy but I was quite proud.  After wards we went over to Mrs Fletcher's so Ron could finish up some yard work.  I helped by fertilizing there some too.  Mrs Fletcher has a fenced in yard so I got to explore some while Ron trimmed some bushes.  I also inspected his work to make sure it was up to par.  Then it was home for a late dinner and a nap before bed. 

Every once in a while I like to put a couple of words for the day.  It seems that once again the word starting with dog is a positive thing.  But the word starting with cat is negative.  Go figure!

Doggonedest  unusual / interesting    That was the doggonedest thing I ever seen!

Cattier            Marked by or arising from malice

Till next time!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hi every one!
If a picture is worth 1000 words here is 5000 words!

As you can see Sage has grown!
The above pictures First Sage on her way home from the animal shelter.  And Sage about a month ago.  So she is even bigger now. 
Yep she was cute.
This was one of the first days at her new home. 

Sage said its a flower bed so lets take a nap.
Sage took a liking to Mrs Fletchers flowers.  Good thing Mrs fletcher thought it was cute.
peligan I just repainted!

Hope you enjoyed!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sage here!

Rons last post got me to thinking.  Being just a young puppy I also have some questions.  Like the other night we were watching a movie called the Smufs.  I was wondering if you strangled one of them what color would it turn?  In the movie one guy gets conked on the head and he sees little birdies.  What do little birdies see when they get conked on the head?  The USA is in the process of picking the next president.  Why do you only pick from two people and you pick from fifty people to pick Miss USA? I’m glad we don’t do a swimsuit competition for the president. If you spill club soda what do you use to get the stain out?  And how come the word one has a “w” sound in it, but the word “two “ does not?  Did you ever notice Bugs Bunny runs around naked but he puts a bathing suit on to go swimming?  Why when Ron and I go out we go for a drive in the park and then park in the drive?  If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown, too?  Ever wonder if a cow laughs does milk come out it’s nose?  And last but not least.  If you toss a cat out the car window does it become Kitty litter?

Till next time!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Hi everyone.

We had a quiet weekend here.  Rick next door made Sage very happy by giving her a great big bone.  Unfortunately I forgot she had it and she ate too much of it and gave her an upset tummy.  She (let see how should I say it)  tossed her cookies.  But right after she did that you could see she felt better and went over and ate her dinner.  But she was still a little tired out.  Around 9:00 I noticed she was not in the room so I went to find her.  She was curled up in her bed fast asleep.  She even let me sleep in on Sunday.  Glad to say she was back to her old self the rest of the day.
  Saturday I worked a lot in the yard..  I have a few questions about how they make things.
 How do they make the lawn mower run out of gas when you only have one more swipe down the yard left?
  Does the same company that makes the self kinking garden hose make the self tangling electrical cord?  I can lay the extension cord out strait in the yard and come back five minutes later and there will be two knots in it.
  How do they make it so if you drop the garden hose with a nozzle on the end that it will land on the nozzle handle and squirt you? 
Why can’t I get grass to grow in the yard but I have a bumper crop in the cracks of the sidewalk?
Why do gutters always leak right above the door?
Why in the winter it will snow and I have two inches of snow in the yard and five inches in the driveway?
And how does Sage make her poop invisible?  I will walk the back yard three times checking for poop.  I start cutting the grass and before I can get three rows into it I step in dog poo.  I know it just reappeared.  And a swear I can see a smile on Sages face.

See you later Ron