Friday, August 24, 2012

Ron here!
Hi everyone! Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I had a very nice birthday. At lunch Kathy, Tammy ( aka the stalker) and Kathy's son Keven and his wife Kris took me out for Mexican. We had a great time. They were wondering why Kathy did not decorate my shop for my birthday. We informed them that her birthday is in 5 days and I would get even if she did. It was nice Tammy came along specially since she and Kathy bought my lunch. We will have to take her along more often. Well Sage was so excited to see me when I got home. As you can see by the picture below.

But Rick and Pat next door sent some cake over for my birthday and Mike stopped by and we went down town Hobart for more Mexican food.  It was a Mexican birthday.  Sage is Mikes buddy and all I had to do is say Mike is coming to see you and she was at the window looking for him.  Mike spent some time in the back yard throwing a toy for Sage to chase.  Sage was happy to humor him.  My Sister Peggy and my parents sent a package to me so I would have something to open on my birthday.  They sent some tropical place marts for the kitchen table.  They are very nice that's Mom, Dad and Peggy!

Speaking of Peggy she was trying to teach Sage to sit up in the chair in the living room when she was here.  But Sage is too good of a dogie for that.  But she has taken to taking naps in the guest bedroom.  Oh is that Peggy's new pillow she sleeping on?  Hope she doesn't drull.

See you later!

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